Dreams are a simulation of the real world.


The secrets that they can unlock derive from the fact that reality is a process that involves us, a conscious and intuitive observer.

Join me, as we travel through timelines, multiverses and dreamscapes to explore the most memorable moments of my life.

Dreams start here, they start with scenes and they start with you…

Welcome to your next adventure, welcome to my mindscape.


  • Scenes are archived visions/memories of Kami’s dreams and play an integral role in Kitaro storytelling. Each scene is unique and designed to complement your Kitaro character. Scenes are designed in 3000x1500 format to serve as a Twitter/social banner to go along with your Kitaro PFP.

  • Scenes are randomly generated and comprised of 138 different layers, including: sky, sky element, structure, transportation, artifact and world. No scene is exactly the same and each scene will tell a unique story, by you.

  • Yes, the Kitaro World Scenes collection is an ever-evolving phygital collection.

    Artifacts that are currently in a redeemable state will be listed below. Redeemables will roll out in waves and holders will be able to redeem their free item through a token-gated store.

    Items that are currently not redeemable will either become redeemable at a later date or serve a different purpose within the Kitaro World ecosystem.



    Items that are redeemed are not deemed useless. We reserve the right to restock items at our discretion throughout random times of the year. This means, once you redeem an item, that item has the potential to be redeemed again!


  • Air Fresheners (redeemable)

    Smells fancy, also redeemable for IRL version.


  • OneKey Hardware Wallet (redeemable)

    Created by OneKey, fashionably designed by Kitaro Studios to protect your assets.


  • Psychedelic Water (redeemable)

    The official drink of the enchanted forest. THIRSTY?


  • Coffee Book (redeemable)

    A lookbook of your favorite kats and their digital attributes. PURCHASE ONE.


  • Merch Box (redeemable)

    Wonder what’s inside? Swag? Decor? Hmm, I just want to deck my crib in Kitaro!

  • NiftySlabs (redeemable)

    WTF is a NiftySlab? Well, only the dopest way to collect your NFT in physical form, like you would with a collector’s graded card. Check em’ out: SHOW ME DA MONEY


  • Gold Plushie (redeemable)

    Need we say more? A physical, redeemable soft plushie…for you, your loved ones or pets - whatever you fancy.

  • Bugatti Cross Body Bag (redeemable)

    Oh, you’re into fashion huh? So are we. The Bugatti Cross Body Bag (in partnership with Bugatti Groupe) is a redeemable physical bag that you can customize with your favorite Kitaros!


  • Gold Briefcase (redeemable)

    A mystery gold briefcase, well that’s always fun! What could be inside? More merch, experiences, a house for kats? Stand by to find out…

  • Silver Briefcase (redeemable)

    Just as mysterious as the gold one, only silver. Smells fancy too!

  • Transparent Briefcase (redeemable)

    Okay, this is getting freaky now! A see through briefcase, what could possibly be in sight for the future?

  • Gold Baseball Bat


    Can’t decide whether we want to put it on a wall or a ball.

  • Gold Fangs

    Interesting, it appears someone has lost their fangs. The archetype appears rare, from an era much before Kitaro’s time.

  • Gold Rose

    A gold rose never dies and its shine is everlasting…

  • Gold Serum

    We can’t decide if we want to drink it. It seems to glow when you shake it up.

  • Red Serum

    Yeah, we’d rather drink the gold one. Although, the smell is quite refreshing. Is it deceiving?

  • Green Serum

    The last time we witnessed the ingestion of a green serum, a bunch of apes turned super ugly…

  • Amethyst Crystal Cluster

    They say the amethyst is a powerful and protective stone and guards against psychic attacks, transmuting the energy into love….

  • Quartz Crystal Cluster

    Quartz are seen to amplify healing energy, capable of revitalizing your emotional, mental and physical planes…

  • Blue Magic Wand

    The gem on the end appears to be aquamarine, which is found to amplify courage, hope and everlasting good looks. Wait, did Kami use this on himself?

  • Green Magic Wand

    This wand contains emerald, which is known to be a life-affirming stone. For the big brains, this wand helps to stimulate the use of greater mental capacity. LFGROW!

  • Red Magic Wand

    This wand appears to hold a pezzottaite gemstone, known for healing broken objects but not broken hearts…

  • Baseball Bat

    They did say Kats like to ball. This peculiar bat appears normal, but makes a strange sound upon impact.

  • Ooze

    Well, you’re a kat…go on, be curious, we dare you…

  • Newspapers

    News gets around fast! What could the world be spreading about Kitaro?

  • Books

    Can’t keep a single page intact without a paw tear…

  • Crayons

    They did say kids and kats like to color their own world…

  • Coins

    Hmm, currency? For what world?

  • Ramen

    Well, this can only end one way…REALLY SWELL!

  • Ice Cream

    Sometimes we dream of eating ice cream, other times we find them in the store. We just keep craving more…

  • Crystal Ball

    Saw this in a movie once and the future was not what we expected…

  • Lottery Ticket

    Are you feeling lucky? 777 is the name of the game!

  • Silver Fang

    One, singular silver fang - how lonely. Can someone call the dentist?

  • Blue Portal

    Somehow, after going through a portal, we have found another portal…

  • Green Portal

    So, we know where the blue portals takes us, but are we curious to find out where green will lead us to?

  • Mystic Monolith

    Monoliths serve as the catalyst for intelligence. This mystic one seems to show something on different plane…

  • Majestic Monolith

    Majestic? Seems to be some kind of emperor energy…

  • Mysterious Monolith

    LFGLOW…another monolith, another mystery.