• Welcome to the Purrr Pals!

    Web Address: https://kitaro.world/purrrpalsterms


    Purrr Pals is a subsidiary entity created by Kitaro Studios, LLC.


    This website is only an interface allowing participants to exchange electronic digital collectibles. All users are responsible for the safety and management of their own private wallets on the polygon blockchain. We are unable to reverse or restore transactions on this public network.


    This website and all connected services are provided as available without such warranty of any capacity. By accessing and/or using any part of this site and provided services/products, you agree that you have read and understand to be bound by these terms.


    If you do not agree to these terms and any applicable laws, please cease access or use of this site immediately.

  • “Kitaro” is the character and asset as part of the Kitaro World NFT collection found on: https://opensea.io/collection/kitaroworld

    “GMEOW” is a saying used by the community and taken as Good Morning in cat voice.

    “OWN” is defined as possession of a Purrr Pals NFT in your polygon wallet, where there is proof of possession on the public blockchain.

  • We own the name and intellectual property involved with “Purrr Pals”, as used on the blockchain and product outlets.


    All rights that are NOT specifically granted to the users and owners of Purrr Pals tokens are reserved for the project. This includes items, such as: official logos, custom art work, trademarks, the website, the aesthetics of the brand and character, the smart contract code and everything else not specifically granted by any of the licenses.


    We reserve the rights to use your assets in any marketing materials. If you are in possession of the asset at the start of any community activations, you may opt out. Should you purchase an asset that is currently used in marketing, you forfeit the right to opt out and agree to the terms as agreed upon by the previous participant. Should you sell an asset during a binded state, you forfeit all rights to the asset, in which all rights migrate to the new owner. Any assets that are used in product placement will be legally binded. Should you purchase a NFT in the legally binded state, you are agreeing to these terms in which you will take over the legal obligation.


    For community activations where such launches are used to benefit the community, all proceeds go to the community treasury.

  • You own the rights to your “Purrr Pal” NFT and any relevant art airdropped to you that comes with it as provided utility.


    Any art owned by you that was provided by Kitaro World/Purrr Pals, (Kitaro Studios) grants you royalty-free licensing to use, copy and modify. This usage is granted worldwide.


    You are allowed to use your NFTs on merchandise, such as shirts, bags, etc. However, you are NOT to use the official branding or logo of Kitaro World or Purrr Pals, which may be misconstrued as our own official merchandise release. The word “Purrr” or “Pal” CAN be used on it’s own with your NFT. You are allowed to use the word “Purrr” or “Pal” in your desired typeface, with any placement.


    All NFT ownership is verified on the public polygon blockchain. This is proof of ownership and grants rights within this webpage. If/when the NFT leaves your possession, all personal and commercial use terms are revoked as well as benefits.

  • Although you are permitted IP rights from the Purrr Pals brand, there are other brands within this collection, deemed a “collaboration” that do not grant IP access, unless obtained directly from the brand.


    If you have an asset with a trait from the following brands, you are not granted IP rights to the asset:

    1) Pudgy Penguins


    2) Space Riders


    3) Khuga


    4) Chainzoku


    5) Kanpai Pandas


    6) Degen Toonz


  • Any usage of Purrr Pals NFT licensed materials must be in FULL and in their entirety.


    Licensed use of the character and/or any custom artwork MUST include the complete image in its entirety, with the EXCEPTION of the background. The background MAY be removed. Additionally, custom art may go over the base character, as long as it cannot be confused with another holder IP. Otherwise, whoever provides proof of first usage will own rights to the custom use.


    Individual expressions and traits are reserved for Kitaro Studios/Kitaro World/Purrr Pals and are prohibited to be used outside of the complete image. These individually layered files are proprietary works of Kitaro World and Purrr Pals (Kitaro Studios).


    Counterfeit NFTs, otherwise known as knock-offs of our art is prohibited and will be subject to DMCA by the law firm of Kitaro Studios.


    NFT Knock-off collections created in an attempt to pass themselves off as genuine Purrr Pals creations will be reported and subject to DMCA.


    A participant of this experience must not use any Kitaro World/Purrr Pals licensed materials in any way, or in connection with any organizations/material which is unlawful, fraudulent, offensive or otherwise objectionable. If the asset is found to be used incorrectly and against our terms and conditions, we are not responsible for any charges made against the holder. The holder shall not use Kitaro World/Purrr Pals licensed materials in any way that could be misconstrued as being adverse or derogatory to the image of Kitaro World/Purrr Pals or any of its subjects/partners. This includes nude or pornographic material.


    If you hold a “licensed” asset, acquired by purchasing a flagship product, or traded on secondary, you are eligible to participate in our character licensing program. You are granted a licensing deal for as many licensed assets you hold.

    These rules apply to the following products that have been announced:

    Alphabet Cards

    Memory Cards


    For all future activations, a legal participant is limited to (2) licensed assets per product activation.



    Purrr Pals reward split is 50/50 after company expenses are paid.

    For example:

    If item A costs $1 to to manufacter and it is sold for $3, we reserve the right to pay off the initial expense of $1, leaving us with $2 to split between Kitaro Studios and the participants of the activation.

    Furthermore, that $2 will be split evenly across Kitaro Studios, LLC and x amount of participants. In this scenario, 50% of $2 = $1 to be granted to Kitaro Studios and the remaining 50%, which is $1 is distributed evenly across however many participants are part of the activation.

  • By holding a Purrr Pals NFT, you will have the opportunity to partake in future releases, such as airdrops, merch drops and more.


    Any giveaway prizes in physical form, should you opt out to provide a mailing address, we reserve the right to pay the equivalent in ETH instead.


    Execution and timing of any advertised utility/contest is subject to the given value of the Ethereum/Matic token. All activations are discretionary to Kitaro World/Purrr Pals and winners may be revoked of their reward if terms are broken. Participating in such activities is subject to the rules and guidelines of each party/company involved.

  • Assets in this collection and items used on this website are for fun and not meant to be viewed as investment vehicles.


    Any art that is provided to you by Kitaro World/Purrr Pals is meant to function as fun, digital collectible assets. These NFTs are not to be used as a financial instrument. We cannot make any promises or guarantees regarding the value of our tokens. We also cannot guarantee that your NFT will be selected for licensing opportunities within any given timeline of the project.


    We cannot guarantee that any/all roadmap activations can be met and/or the time frame in which it is delivered.


    As part of this project, we offer giveaways and contests in the form of donations in good faith. The use of your IP in character licensing activations is considered marketing, in which donations are awarded to the participant for character lending. We reserve the right to reduce or remove these offerings at any time.

  • You are ENTIRELY responsible for any tax liabilities which may arise from minting, trading or owning Purrr Pals NFTs.

  • Terms and conditions are revised from time to time and we reserve the rights to do so. You are responsible for reviewing this page at your own accord. By holding a Purrr Pals NFT, you agree to be bound by these terms.